Saloon sketch and pasadena paint

try to go a little looser, screwed up perspective but I'm happy XP

I've been into outdoor landscape painting these days and reading some notes from the masters out there.

Here is a note from Thomas Kegler

"You are suggesting a lot, and specifying choice areas. That approach has helped me take what is visually very intimidating, and being able to pull out the essence of that scene or the essence of that object within the scene. "

for full text please read it here.

At the moment I'm using what I've learnt from Bill Perkin's color and design class from CDA last term (June-Sep 2011)

I'll post up the note soon. Very very useful!! Below is a painting from Pasadena City Hall I did in August.

When I'm confident enough, I should join the  Plein Air Salon Competition !! :D